Information sur les Tyrants

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New Challenger
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Inscription : 18 déc. 2006, 11:02
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Je vien de trouver de l'information sympa pour le monde qui veulent en savoir plus sur les Tyrants et leurs caractéristiques et, aussi , de quels façons ils sont crées .. Ce qui est domage c'est qu'il est en anglais!

(Toute les noms des Tyrants existant sont ici même dans les séries survivor) !

Tyrant (Resident Evil)

This article is about a kind of creature from the Resident Evil series. For other uses, see Tyrant (disambiguation).

The Tyrant is a fictional biologically engineered organism from the Resident Evil series. Tyrants were created by the Umbrella Corporation to serve as potent and completely obedient soldiers. Tyrants have appeared as antagonists throughout almost every Resident Evil games.


According to the Wesker Report, James Marcus, Ozwell E. Spencer, and Edward Ashford discovered the Progenitor Virus during the 1960s. The Progenitor Virus was highly mutagenic, and had the potential to dramatically alter the physical and mental makeup of its host. Furthermore, the virus possessed the uncanny ability to rejuvenate deceased organisms.

The Progenitor’s purpose lead to several discrepancies between Spencer and Ashford. While Ashford hoped to use the virus’ regenerative characteristics to help the handicapped, Spencer was bent on using the virus to wreak havoc. Following Ashford’s impetuous demise, Spencer managed to seize control of the project’s development, and soon began to work on the prototypes of a malicious biological weapon.

Sometime before the events of Resident Evil Zero, Marcus and Spencer realized that the Progenitor Virus experienced trouble bonding with its host’s RNA. Marcus managed to resolve the issue infecting a parasitic organism with the virus, and then allow it to attach to another organism. This ground breaking discovery lead to more research, eventually leading up to the creation of the Tyrant Virus. Once an organism is infected by the virus, it will eventually mutate into a deadly organism. The organisms would be used to carry out the Umbrella Corporation's vile biddings throughout the Resident Evil series.


According to research conducted by the Umbrella Corporation, less than 1% of humans exposed to the T-Virus possess the potential to mutate into Tyrants. This is due to the presence of Beta Hetero Nonserotonin, a special hormone that is secreted by the brain during its prepubescent years. Furthermore, the hormone is only secreted when one is placed under a significant amount of stress.

If the virus is able to find a suitable host, it will dramatically increase one’s size, strength, and agility. It will also lead to the development of several lengthy acicular blade-like structures on one’s arm. While the T-Virus is rather advantageous to its host, it should be noted that the subjected host will be forced to endure a prodigious increase in adrenaline, causing the heart to expand and protrude through the chest. Furthermore, most of the original breeds of Tyrants were plagued with grotesque facial deformities, as well as an acute decline in intelligence.

Logs from the Wesker Report and Resident Evil (REmake) confirm that Lisa Trevor was the first human to ever exemplify characteristics of a Tyrant. During her teenage years, Lisa was abducted by a group of Ozwell Spencer’s henchmen. Ever since the abduction, Lisa has undergone a plethora of experiments, which have led to her immense physical and mental deterioration. After serving as host to the T-Virus, Lisa played a pivotal role in solidifying the Tyrant project, and later, the Nemesis project. Albert Wesker, James Marcus’ protege, ordered that Lisa be slain in an undisclosed portion of the Arklay Mountains in order to avoid future “mishaps”.

Main Types of Tyrants

* Proto-Tyrant, an experimental subject that served as the predecessor of the latter Tyrants. While the Proto-Tyrant was scheduled to be destroyed, it was accidentally released by Rebecca Chambers during the events of Resident Evil 0, and while classified as a failure, it was nonetheless a terrifyingly powerful opponent. Unlike its successors, the Proto Tyrant’s spinal column was exposed due to its mutations, leaving it extremely vulnerable to small-arms fire from behind. Furthermore, its nervous system was more primitive than its successors, leading to the Proto-Tyrant's primitive behavior and lack of coordination.

* T-002 Tyrant, the first wholesome Tyrant, was created within the depths of the Spencer Mansion. During the events of Resident Evil, Albert Wesker ordered the Tyrant to slay the remaining members of Racoon City’s Special Tactics And Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S). As the Tyrant awoke from its slumber, it mortally wounded Wesker, leaving him to die in the depths of the forsaken lab. The remaining S.T.A.R.S. members, Jill Valentine, Brad Vickers, Rebecca Chambers, Barry Burton, and Chris Redfield engaged the Tyrant an epic battle before escaping the mansion.

* T-103 Tyrants, also known as Mr.X, the first mass produced Tyrants were created on Umbrella’s Sheena Island facility. They were originally created by using kidnapped children as hosts for the T-Virus. They were first deployed into action during the events of Resident Evil 2, on a mission to recover the G-Virus from William Birkin, a rogue Umbrella scientist. Unlike their predecessors, that looked anything but human, these Tyrants are known for their near-human appearance and mysterious silence. Also, they exhibit no visible mutations like the huge talons prominently featured on earlier models. This changes, however, if the T-103 somehow manages to remove its limiter coat, resulting in a "Super Tyrant".

* T-0400TP, a variation of the T-103, was programmed to protect humans rather than harming them through the use of neurological inhibitors. Due the Tyrant’s natural biological and mental instabilities, it developed an infamous reputation for betraying its client. As seen in Resident Evil Outbreak, If a T-0400TP Tyrant manages to remove its inhibitors, it will undergo a mutation very similar to that of the T-103 model but will also manage to produce more mass recistant to rockets unlike the T-103.

* Super Tyrants, the result of a T-103 variation having successfully removed its limiter coat. The face of the creature retains its blank stare, but boasts a prodigious body mass, and dual talons. The Super Tyrants are known for their berserk and spontaneous behavior, T-0400TP can reach this mutation too but more powerful.

* T-104 Tyrant, another variation of the T-103, was characterized by its purple complexion and protruding facial horns. While the T-104 was more powerful and dexterous to its T-103 counterpart, it lacked adequate endurance and stamina. The T-104 tyrant was only seen in the "Showdown 3" scenario in Resident Evil Outbreak: File 2, thus making it somewhat non-canonical, as there is no evidence of it ever being mentioned in the story itself.

* B.O.W Tyrant, is the name given to the strange Tyrant that was supposed to be killed by Barry Burton and Leon S. Kennedy aboard the "Starlight" Cruiser. It has similar appearance and attacks to the T-103 but it has a series of Tentacles potruding from the creatures stomach. It can grab opponents but rather chooses to punch them. The Parasite eventually mutated into its full grotesque form after an intense battle.

* Nemesis T-Type, a new breed of Tyrant, were the results of years of biological experimentation with Lisa Trevor. Unlike other Tyrants, the Nemesis type is characterized by its tentacles, increased intelligence and undestructibility, and most notably, extreme endurance and resistance to damage.

For complete information on the Nemesis, refer to its article: Nemesis (Resident Evil)

* T-078 Tyrant, a Tyrant developed on Rockfort Island, was specially produced to serve training purposes with Umbrella’s Special Forces. It is characterized by it’s blunted claws, which act as battering rams. It should be noted that this Tyrant bares unmistakable resemblances to the T-103 and T-002 model Tyrants, which this one was based on.

Other Types of Tyrants

* Thanatos Tyrant, an experimental breed Tyrant, gained an infamous reputation for managing to annihilate several members of the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Squad with great ease. During the events of Resident Evil Outbreak, Greg Muller, a rogue Umbrella Corporation Scientist, released Thanatos to show his disapproval for the mass-produced Tyrant project. Thanatos is easily recognized by its sublime display of agility, brute force , and keen survival instincts.

* Thanatos-R, a mutation of the the Thanatos Tyrant, was characterized by its elongated and pliable left arm. The Thanatos Tyrant mutated after sustaining critical damage from the Raccoon City University's destruction. In order to compensate for the loss of its right arm, Thanatos-R's left arm and upper body experienced a prodigious amount of growth. The "R" in Thanatos' name is short for the word "Rebirth".

* Hypnos T-Type, a special Tyrant native to Sheena Island, was characterized by its grotesque array of overgrown muscles. Doctor Klein created the Hyponos Tyrant by implanting modified cells into a normal host’s body, in an attempt to cause the stronger cells to reproduce and take over the others through natural selection. Furthermore, the Hypnos Tyrant features a more primitive and voracious appearance as opposed to the other Tyrants. The only known Hypnos Tyrant was destroyed during the events of Resident Evil Survivor.

* T-091 Tyrant, a rare Tyrant that inhabited the Spencer Rain, was characterized by its tentacle-like digits. Unlike other Tyrants, the T-091 featured an exposed tumor within its cervical region, that later proved to be its Achilles heel. Bruce McGivern encountered the creature during the events of Resident Evil: Dead Aim.

* T-092 Tyrant, was originally born from what was once Morpheus D. Duvall. Prior to turning into the abomination, Duvall, a former Umbrella scientist, injected himself with the T/G Virus. The effects of the virus dramatically altered his physical build, ultimately turning him into a female. T-092 Tyrant is characterized by its ability to manipulate the electromagnetic spectrum, allowing it to summon bolts of electricity at will. While this ability also allows the host to deflect small-arms fire, Resident Evil: Dead Aim revealed that T-092 Tyrant can only be harmed by attacks from a Charged Particle Rifle.
Tyran T-021
Messages : 115
Inscription : 04 juin 2006, 18:58
Localisation : Dijon (21)

petit oubli du n° de série du Proto-tyrant : T-001

Si les vrai connaisseur en RE pouvaient confirmer (sources) certaines choses (notamment, le T-0400TP, je suis peut être passé à côté mais il me semble que je n'ai jamais vu ce n° de série)

Autre truc qui me dérange, ça fait plusieur fois qe je remarque que le Nemesis est considéré comme un Tyrant.
La définition du Tyrant serait : Être humain contaminé par le virus T et ayant un patrimoine génétique qui le rend apte à se transformer en Tyrant.

Mais le Nemesis est, comme le définit Wesker dans le Wesker's report 2, "un corps parasite vivant, créé par l'intermédiaire de modifications génétiques."
Il n'est jamais question du virus T.

De plus, j'avais lu quelque part (ça reste à confirmer) que le n° de série (oui, je sais, je fonctionne baucoup en n° de séries) du Nemesis serait : N-001...
Pas de T non plus (mais à confirmer)

Bref, c'était le grand moment de "réflexion sur les Tyrant avec Tyran T-021" ^^
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Guilty boy
Messages : 998
Inscription : 16 mars 2005, 14:59
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Pour ce qui est du Némésis, je crois bien qu'il s'agit du nom donné au parasite que contient le corps hôte (et qui par extension est aussi nommé "Némésis").

Ce corps hôte semble être celui d'un tyran de série, auquel le Némésis a été implémenté. Ce dernier contrôlerait donc l'organisme du Tyran, le rendant psychologiquement plus "stable" vu qu'il est capable d'obéir sans trop réfléchir à des ordres simples.
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Messages : 334
Inscription : 17 févr. 2004, 01:59
Localisation : Amerique du Sud

Il y a un moyen simple d'affirmer que le nemesis est un produit du virus T : lorsque Jill se fait infecter par Nemesis c'est bien par le virus T qu'elle est contaminée ;) .
Tyran T-021
Messages : 115
Inscription : 04 juin 2006, 18:58
Localisation : Dijon (21)

moui... c'est pas faux...
bon d'accord, cassage en beauté

mais c'est pas un Tyrant quand même :^^

et sinon, pour les T-400TP, T-104 et Cie. des nouvelles ? '^^
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Messages : 358
Inscription : 27 nov. 2003, 20:35
Localisation : Nice (06), France

Tyran T-021, je pense qu'il est tout à fait indiqué de classer Nemesis dans la famille des Tyrants étant donné qu'à la base, c'est un des modèles les plus répandus de Tyrant, le T-103, qui a été utilisé comme hôte pour le parasite. :saint
But my heart is heavy, and my hope is gone
(...) I long for peace before I die

Freddie Mercury, Lover of Life / Singer of Songs (05 septembre 1946 - 24 novembre 1991)
Tyran T-021
Messages : 115
Inscription : 04 juin 2006, 18:58
Localisation : Dijon (21)

Ok... Dans ce cas je veux bien... :^^

Je dois être passé à côté de cette info. Ou alors elle se trouve dans un des RE que je n'ai pas. :?

U.C.A., tu pourrais mettre la source de l'info ? :darkness
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Messages : 358
Inscription : 27 nov. 2003, 20:35
Localisation : Nice (06), France

Tyran T-021, rien d'étonnant à ce que tu ne connaisses pas ce détail, étant donné que l'information est tirée d'un guide japonais, BIOHAZARD 3: Last Escape Complete Domination Official Guidebook. ;)
Le texte, ORIGIN OF NEMESIS (Les origines de Nemesis), avait été traduit en anglais par xfactor.

Voilà pour la petite histoire. :saint
But my heart is heavy, and my hope is gone
(...) I long for peace before I die

Freddie Mercury, Lover of Life / Singer of Songs (05 septembre 1946 - 24 novembre 1991)
Tyran T-021
Messages : 115
Inscription : 04 juin 2006, 18:58
Localisation : Dijon (21)

je comprend mieux

du coup la réponse à mon autre question doit probablement se trouver dans un quelconque Guide...
(il faut vraiment que je me mette au jap)

bon ben merci pour la réponse '^^
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Messages : 358
Inscription : 27 nov. 2003, 20:35
Localisation : Nice (06), France

Tyran T-021, en ce qui concerne le T-0400TP, je pense qu'il ne s'agit simplement que du nom de code du T-103 qui a été spécialement programmé dans le cadre d'expérimentations pour mesurer la résistance de ce modèle de Tyrant, ainsi que le niveau de contrôle possible du sujet. C'est le Tyrant que Carter utilise dans le dernier scénario de BH OUTBREAK FILE 2, End of the Road, pour protéger le groupe de survivants contre les Hunters qui ont envahi le complexe. Pour plus de détails, je te conseille d'aller (re)découvrir les cinématiques et (re)lire les documents associés à ce scénario. ;)

Quant au T-104, je n'ai jamais rien lu, ni vu quoi que ce soit à ce sujet et je doute même de la pertinence de l'appellation. :eek4

Enfin, pour Nemesis et toujours d'après le texte dont j'ai parlé, la branche européenne d'Umbrella aurait créé plusieurs modèles de Nemesis Type-T, le premier modèle ayant été simplement baptisé Nemesis T, alors que le Nemesis que Jill affronte dans BH 3 serait le Nemesis T-02. :saint
But my heart is heavy, and my hope is gone
(...) I long for peace before I die

Freddie Mercury, Lover of Life / Singer of Songs (05 septembre 1946 - 24 novembre 1991)
Tyran T-021
Messages : 115
Inscription : 04 juin 2006, 18:58
Localisation : Dijon (21)

Oki oki

et ben merci beaucoup pour tes réponses, je vois que j'ai encore pas mal de truc à découvrir des RE (et c'est tant mieux ^^)

Pour les cinématiques des Outbeak, il faudrait en efe t que je les découvres (tout court)

(Il y a comme un manque de PS2 chez moi)
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Kevin Ryman
New Challenger
Messages : 13
Inscription : 26 févr. 2009, 21:04

Pour ceux qui s'interressent a la mythologie grecque, certain noms des tyrans sont repris de l'arbre généalogique (c'est un peu une famille mais c'est un peu complexe)...
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Là, par exemple, je ne comprends rien à ce que tu veux essayer de nous faire comprendre ! :| :kick
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Kevin Ryman
New Challenger
Messages : 13
Inscription : 26 févr. 2009, 21:04

en gros je vais resumer les noms des Tyrans (Thanatos, Nemesis, Nyx,etc sont en mémoire des dieux grecs)
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Extreme Survivor
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Oui en éffet c'est bien vrai. Thanatos est le dieu de la mort, Nemesis est la déesse de la vengeance, Talos était un dieu de la forge je crois et Nyx est la déesse de la nuit et mère de Thanatos.

Et le nemesis de Resident Evil 3 a été créer à partir du parasite NE-Alpha qui a été conçu grace au virus-NE-T(qui est une variante du virus-T). Le parasite devait rendre intéligent les ABO d'umbrella et surtout les tyrants. Le Nemesis-T(ou Nemesis type Tyrant) est un T-103 avec un parasite Ne-Alpha dans son corps.

Le T-104 lui est seulement vue dans le scénario non canonique Showdown 3 dans Outbreak 2.
"Would you be so kind as to get me my slippers, Patrick? Thank you.''

- Spencer to his butler :parapluie

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